tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Apr 05 06:28:47 1996

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Unfortunately, this lurker must leave the list (for now) since my original
reason for being on it has now 'gone to pot' (so to speak). In case you're
wondering, I was on here to get info for my thesis that I was going to
write next year, but it so happens that the rules for thesis writing in
my department are changing for next year, and I unfortunately don't fall
under them. So, I just wish to thank all those who offered their help,
and if things happen to change (or I *actually* get the time to learn
some Klingon), I'll be returning to the list.



Siobhan Gormley, Carleton University        * X-Phile, Trek Fan, B-5er,    
         Ottawa, Canada                     * Disnophile, Dragon Posse,
Email address: [email protected]* Whovian *****************
I thought my window was down, but I found it was up when I put my head
through it.
*********************TRUE CAR ACCIDENT EXPLANATIONS********************

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