tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Apr 05 01:13:39 1996

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"Qo'noS ta'puq, Hamlet lotlut. lut 'ay' wa', lut 'ay'Hom wa'..."

DaHjaj pawpu' paqna' chovnatlhwIj 'e' vIparHa'qu'.
paqna'vam luchenmoHpu'bogh tlhInganpu' vIHoy'qang!

chuq lengpu'bogh bobuSchugh nI'Ha'law' lengpoH:
*America*vo' *Netherlands*Daq lengpu' paqna' 'ej
loSHu' neH chovnatlhwIj ngeHta' 'angghal!

mI' cha'vatlh cha'maH wej ngaS chovnatlhwIj.
DaH ngoD Daj vISovqang: nuq mI' ngaS chovnatlhra'?


P.S. This is the first time in ages that I've written anything in tlhIngan
Hol. The main reason was (and actually still is, but what the h*ll, right?)
shortage of time.

When I got Hamlet so quickly I just _had_ to write about it here. And could
I do that in any other language then tlhIngan Hol? Of course not!

The above also happens to be one of the longest pieces of tlhIngan Hol I
ever wrote (and one of the most complex, if not the most complex one).
Because of this and the fact that I'm "out of practice" (as is I was ever
really *in* practice in the first place! ;-)) I already tell you to look for
errors and correct them. reH vIghojqang!
          Jarno Peschier, [email protected], 2:2802/245.1@Fido
      162:100/100.1@Agora, 74:3108/102.1@QuaZie, 27:2331/214.1@SigNet
     What was was, before was was was? Before was was was, was was is.

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