tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 29 06:52:05 1995

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Re: TLHINGAN-HOL digest 313

ghItlh marqem

>And the Klingons used a ternary numbering system before, presumably, they
>decided to get used to the system higher tech used.

     I can understand adopting decimal numbering and decadic notation as
being more convenient, along with various other scientific standards and
conventions;  moreover, Klingons may be more adaptable than Americans, who
still can't bring themselves to abandon their archaic mensuration system;
however, adopting the Terran 24-hour day doesn't seem to me to be a Klingon
sort of thing to do.

>We can either
>  (1) say that they changed from 28 subdivisions to 24 for a similar
>  (2) say that their day-night cycle = approx. 28 Terran hours, but they
>divide it handily into 24 subdivisions, as we do; or
>  (3) ignore the text that mentions a 28-hour day, as non-canonical and
>therefore no more for us than an entertaining thought, at best.

>I recommend (3).

>     nISwI' lo'qanglu'chugh qay' ghu' puSqu'.
>     munuQpu'.  vIHoHpu'.  qay'be'.

vaj DaH DuSaHnISbe'{{:-)

ghItlh .:ghor:.
> (4) They divide their day to 24 divisions, regardless of how long it
>     is in Terran hours, which is something we haven't been told.
>     28 hours is all we have on the length, and even that's not
>     canonical.

     Moreover is for the planet Klinzhai, which is itself not canonical.

>...have adopted the way most *)[censored] worlds tell time."

    I wonder what that means.  Star Dates?

     qeSmIv HarghwI'

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