tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 23 04:11:52 1995

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KLBC: wamwI' yIn pem


qaSpu'bogh wanI' vIja'

wamwI' yIn pem

vem pem 'ej vem wamwI'
chalHeH DungDaq toStaHvIS pemHov nuHDaj QapbeHmoH
pemHovvaD vanDaj nobpu'DI' Ha'DIbaH wamlu'bogh SamlI'meH
	tlheD 'ej Dechbogh HatlhDaq leng

leng 'ay' wa'DIch tagh 'ej He Doq wIv
HuD'a' 'el
Doy'moH Qu'
Ha'DIbaH tu'lu'be'

nagh Deb 'el
SeynISmo' jach 'IwDaj

lam Deb 'el
tuvmo' popDaj 'oH quvmoHbogh wamtaHghach
he initiates the first section of his trip and choses
the "red/orange route"
he enters the mountains
the task causes him to be tired
animals are not found

he enters the desert of rocks
his blood screams because it needs to be excited

he enters the desert of dirt
a hunt which causes him to be honored is his reward
for being patient
The first part of his trip is to be the "red/orange route"
he comes into the moountains
it is strenuous
there are no animals

he comes into the stone desert
he gets almost impatient

he comes into the desert
his patience is finally rewarded with an honorable hunt

Sayu': "'el" lo'lu'taHvIS "-Daq" lo'nISlu''a'

tugh }:-} jIghItlhqa'

			"Dochlangan" Marc

Marc Ruehlaender	[email protected]
Universitaet des Saarlandes, Saarbruecken, Germany

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