tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 21 08:28:01 1995

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Re: A sentence which I really don't think translates well into Klingon.

> >Daq yInejbogh Hurgh law' Hoch Hurgh puS
> I'm honestly not sure this is
> wrong.  I can't find a really good reason to reject it, and even my
> instincts aren't telling me it's necessarily bad.

I don't see a grammatical reason to reject it, but just because something 
is grammatical doesn't mean it's *acceptable*.  We see it all the time, 
with what you call "hindsight" words.  My point is, if someone said this 
to you, would you understand it?  

reH DujlIj tIvoq.  But I don't see myself understanding this.  I can't 
wrap my mind around the /yI-/ and /-bogh/ together.  I can't point you to 
a rule in TKD; all I can say is that they don't feel to me to be meant 
for each other.

> ~mark


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