tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 16 06:23:21 1995

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Re: Q

>\ pIqaD qaq law' *Kirk* qaq puS.
>\ charghwI'
>jIQochbe'.  'ach Dochvam vItlhobnIS:
>``The pIqaD is more preferable than Kirk''?  Hmmm.  The English gloss,
>at least, is patently redundant.  Do we have any canon evidence of 'qaq' being
>used this way?  The definition in TKD ("be preferable") seems inherently
>comparative, not requiring the law'/puS construction.  There's no
>indication of how to express the thing to which the subject is preferable,
>but it seems a logical role to be filled by the object: {pIqaD qaq *Kirk*}.
>cha' DeQwIj.

The two don't mean the same:
{pIqad qaq law' *Kirk* qaq puS} means that if I should have a preference for 
Kirk and {pIqad}, which I have BTW, above other things, I would choose 
{pIqad}instead of Kirk to do with whatever I was talking about (??? {{:)

{pIqad qaq *Kirk*} means, IHMO, that Kirk is preferable {pIqad}. Take that in a 
more comprehensible form and I get: Kirk looks a bit like {pIqad}. What I 
gather from the various discussions, I'd think Kirk would not be pleased with 
this. *grin* {{:)
Moreover, the sentence is incorrect. I think you should use {qaq} when some-one 
asks you:'What do you like, {pIqad} or Kirk'. Then you'd answer:'{pIqad} is 
preferred'. Apparently {qaq} doesn't (easily (yes this is a disclaimer)) take 
an object. 
Same with for instance {chuv}/'be left over'. I could say: {jIchuv}/ I am left 
over. I couldn't say: {*Kirk* vIchuv}/ I am left over Kirk (????) This 
completely goes beyond the meaning of the verb {chuv} IMHO.

Mighty Klingon Master of Arms onboard the USS Matrix NCC-2296, although seeking 
reunion with his Klingon brotherhood through secret subspace-communications.

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