tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 16 02:47:44 1995

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Re: Calendar Ideas

> >      Does anyone have a reference anywhere that gives the values of these
> > time periods in Klingon terms?  Has anyone seen a source for names of
> > seasons?
> > 
> > 
> >     Paul
> You presume that Qo'noS HAS seasons. If the axis isn't tilted,
> there would not be any.
> charghwI'
The chance of Qo'noS NOT being tilted (axis-perspect here) is very very slim. 
I guess you mean that the tilt of the axis has to outweigh the nominal 
weatherchange over the year, so that you can feel the season and not have to 
look at the calendar to see if it is winter or summer {{:)

No seasons would have a drastic effect on flora and fauna ofcourse. No light-
period-responses from plants, thus no time-of-year responses. Thus no 
harvesting problems, thus no wintersleap for animals, less diseases, no 
definite periods of reproduction, no peaks and valleys in birth-numbers. 
Perhaps the consequences go even further:
Klingons are much better rested, because they don't have to turn the clock 
forward or backward an hour twice a year (major advantage if it comes to 
battle {{:)
Months won't be named after specific gods with specific traits (cold, death, 
warmth, fertility, etc.). Instead, gods will be named after abstract concepts 
like honour and love. Vague point, please don't reply to this. Everybody who 
has the urge to do so may instead assume himself right.
Klingon siege warfare would be extremely harsh, because humans rely on winter 
to break a siege (no food for the attacker) or even harvest-time (all 
farmers, about 70-90% of a feudal army, had to go home then). Klingons could 
fight all year and thus the defender would loose more often. Thus a castle 
isn't worth that much anymore. Thus a Klingon relies on attacking, instead of 
defending. Planet-defences will be set up according to this principle.
Because there would be fewer persons/farmers available during the year (at 
any point some farmers would have to harvest and overall harvest would be 
twice or even three times a year) engines of war would be smaller. This could 
mean that space-ships tend to be smaller, or bigger. The latter because 
Klingons could be obsessed with trying to make things bigger with fewer 

I'll just stop here. I could go on for hours...sorry lines


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