tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 15 09:37:41 1995

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Re: Is there a KLI program

>>Even if we DID have a program which could perfectly translate
>>between well formed Klingon and English, it would likely be
>>unable to handle much of what is written here.

Let's check that out. I am using a program to translate this sentence:

>>DIVI' Hol lo'lu'meH tlhIngan Holna' mughlaHchu'bogh De'wI''e'
>>wIghajta'chugh vaj chaq jabbI'IDmeymaj puS yaj, 'ach
>>jabbI'IDmeymaj law' yajlaHta'be' 'oH. pIj maQagh.

We, federation, accumulate the use of Klingon Language for perfectly
translate which computer possess done in case that perhaps our data
transmission is few understand but 
data transmission is many can be understood is it we make often a mistake

>bIlughchu'qu' (reH bIlugh'a'? ;-))
You are clearly correct! (you are allways correct)

>>pIj jIQagh 'ach jIDub 'e' vItul. reH maDubtaH.
I often make a mistake but I hope to improve. We allways improve.
I am continous improving

Well, is it quite right? I don't speak Klingon you see. But I have a program
that translates Klingon words into English. So, this was a test.

Thomas Leys

PS: Ik heb trouwens gezien dat er Nederlander op deze lijst zit!! 
E-MAIL: [email protected]
VENI, VIDI, VICI!........................................Julius Caesar

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