tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 09 19:28:27 1995

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Re: Languages

>I would be willing to bet that most serious tlhIngan >learners have studied
other languages before this, >perhaps

I love languages - why else would I be in KLI? :)  Trek fans might like the
idea of being able to speak Klingon, but, as Lawrence said at qep'a'
cha'DIch,  a lot of them don't stick around because it's hard to learn
I studied Latin for 2 years in high school, and got started in Spanish before
I hit Klingon.  

Mark wrote:
>>I am not a student of obscure and constructed >>languages.  I am *the*
student of obscure and >>constructed languages. :)  I suppose what counts as
>>"obscure" is a matter of opinion, of course.

I think constructed languages are the coolest thing!  I once toyed with
Solamnic (from the Dragonlance series of fantasy novels) and found that it's
bloody hard to put together an entirely new language! There wasn't a lot of
"canon" stuff to work with from the books and supplements, so that made it
even harder. Plus, as I've listed my language experience above, I don't have
that much knowledge about language in general, so I kinda shelved that
project, such as it was.  When I started working with Klingon, I was amazed
at the time, effort, and talent that must have gone into TKD.

Well that's my two cents' worth .. are y'all surprised ta see me post on this
thing at long last? Huh?  Hehe.  Later on..

First Lt Sarah Barrows
USS Deliverance NCC-2112

--Someday I'll have a neat signature like ever'body else...

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