tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Nov 06 12:08:42 1995

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Re: jIlIH(')egh, etc.

According to Mark E. Shoulson:
> Then how would you give a name?  "mupong <jejQIb>" perhaps?
> > -- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

This is one of the oldest things on the list of stuff we want
Okrand to explain. It is so stupid that the one thing every new
Klingonist wants to do is introduce ghaHself, and we don't have
a single canon example or grammatical rule to tell us how to do

The ways I can currently remember that we have hobbled around
this problem (and a few I'm making up now) are:

charghwI' jIH.
charghwI' 'oH pongwIj'e'.
muponglu'DI' charghwI' lo' juppu'.
charghwI' Dapongchugh vaj jIjang.

My personal favorite, which may be wrong: 

charghwI' mupong tlhInganpu.

Anyway, until Okrand gives us an example somewhere, nobody has
the authority to claim to have figured out the right way to
handle this simple introduction. Until then, I guess I'll have
to just point to my chest and say, "charghwI'!" and then point
to the stranger before me and yell, "SoH 'Iv? chojangQo'chugh
vaj bIHegh!"

So much for ettiquette...


 o_/ \
  ">   | Get a grip.
   `   |

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