tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 02 23:20:27 1995

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Revised Sesame Street

My thanks to all who sent me lyrics. You have ruined for me what was
a beautiful story: I improvised the translation in London, walking with
my *cough* *cough* through Hampstead --- I even have the moment on
tape. Still, facts is facts, and here is the proper authentic version.

pem Hov jaj.					Sunny day
Haw'choHnIS 'eng 'ej Haj.			Sweepin' the clouds away
He vIghaj;					On my way
'ej pa' muDmo' jIbel.				to where the air is sweet.
chay' *Sesame Street* vIghoS,			Can you tell me how to get,
SIbI' jIHvaD 'e' yIDel.			how to get to Sesame Street?

A day of the daytime star.
The clouds are compelled to commence fleeing, and are filled with dread.
I have a destination;
and there, because of the atmosphere, I am pleased.
Describe to me *immediately*
how to go to Sesame Street.

Quj yIlaj!					Come and play!
HochvaD wIjatlhnIS: "maj!"			Everythings A-O-kay.
jupHey Da jIlpu',				Friendly neighbors there
'ej pa' ma'el.					that's were we meet.
chay' *Sesame Street* vIghoS,			Can you tell me how to get,
SIbI' jIHvaD 'e' yIDel.			how to get to Sesame Street?

Accept the game!
To all things we are compelled to say "Well done!"
The neighbours seem to behave in a friendly fashion,
and there is where we enter!
Describe to me *immediately*
how to go to Sesame Street.

wIch toQDujmeyDaq boghoS.			It's a magic carpet ride,
'ej Supawpu'DI', tugh poS	,		ev'ry door will open wide
'ej Qap lojmItey SuQuchmo'.			to happy people like you.
Qapchu' Quchlu'mo'.				Happy people like,
DaHjaj 'IHqu'bej				what a beautiful
pem Hov jaj.					Sunny day

You go there in legendary Birds of Prey.
And when you have arrived, the doors are soon
open and functional, because you are happy.
Fully functional, because of there being happiness about.
Today it is a truly beautiful
day of the daytime star...
Nick Nicholas. Linguistics, University of Melbourne. In Greece until Feb. '96.
            Normally:     [email protected]
     TEMPORARILY (until end of '95): [email protected]

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