tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 02 17:07:49 1995

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KLBC: Do you put out for chocolate?

I was writing a "Dear Kordite: An Advice Column" response to a curious 
Orion about some aspects of Klingon love and remembered an article in a 
fanzine "Heart of Glory."  There was a translation of the phrase, "Do you 
put out for chocolate" as follows:

	yuch DaSuqmeH ngaghghach Damech'a'?

I remembered the long debate about the use of -ghach and concluded that 
this wasn't acceptable.  As was the attempt to use bang as the noun 
'love' instead of 'one who is loved, beloved.'  (Glen Prochel aparently 
did these translations, go figure.)  My attempt is:

	yuch DaSuqchugh chongaghjaj'a'?

I think it sounds like an honorable, hopeful request.  How did I do?


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