tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 01 18:14:56 1995

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Re: nuqneH

Adam Walker <[email protected]> writes:
>jIQogh. DuSaQ'a'Daq jIHaDlI'.  jawghojwI'navwIj jIHaD DaH.  ghojmoH
>jIHaD.  vIsci-fi ngotlhwI'; Star Trek'a'ba'.  jIghItlhwI'.
>qempa'quvpoemvaD ghItlhlI'.  qa'ang chaq rInDI'.   ja'chuq Daj CVC
>'ach Dajbogh QaghHom.
>                     jImev.
>                     Qogh

I've waited for a grammarian to comment, but I can't wait anymore.

You have some serious difficulty with the basic grammar, and it's
very hard for me to understand what you intend to say.  You are
consistently putting verb affixes on nouns, and it's quite jarring.

You have put the prefix {jI-} on the noun {ghItlhwI'}, apparently
intending to mean "I am a writer".  The correct phrase should be
{ghItlhwI' jIH}.  It's interesting to see this mistake made backwards
for a change -- many beginners fail to use prefixes and use pronouns
instead, but you're using prefixes where a pronoun would be correct.

You've also put the verb suffix {-ba'} on the noun "Star Trek" with
{-'a'} tossed in for good measure.  If you mean "Star Trek is obviously
great" then you need to use the verb {QaQ} "be good", maybe with the
verb suffix {-qu'} (emphatic), to say {QaQqu'ba' Star Trek}.

The word order (or maybe the words themselves) is wrong in many places.
I can't make enough sense out of it to be able to help you correct it.
You need to concentrate on the difference between nouns and verbs, and
the correct order of the words.  In a Klingon sentence, it goes in the
order OBJECT-VERB-SUBJECT.  Subject and Object are usually nouns, but
may be pronouns, or may even be omitted if the verb prefix makes the
meaning clear.  Until you can create understandable simple sentences,
don't worry about extras like dependent clauses.

To add to the confusion, you used some very long words (apparently
compound nouns) like {jawghojwI'navwIj}.  Don't take this badly, but
you should try not to make up complex words until you've got a bit
more practice saying things like {jIyajbe'} and {SuD HIq}.

 -- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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