tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Mar 29 10:07:45 1995

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You say "potaTOE", I say "poTAHto"

According to Matt Gomes and chargwI':

c: >Keep in mind that he was in an OUTpost, like WAAAAAAAY outpost,
c: >like in the back woods, the sticks, like in the Klingon
c: >education system, this guy probably did not enjoy the resources
c: >of a full education, or he would likely have a better job.
c: >Everything he said was an intentional dialect, hence the
c: >pronunciation of {-vetlh} as "-vetz".

m: >He keeps saying "rheen"... which, it seems from the concept means "over".
m: >Now.. there is no "over" in TKD, but "finished" is "rIn".

c: >Bingo. That's what he was saying.

m: >If this is what the actor is trying to say, shouldn't it sound more like
m: >"rin" (rhymes with "tin")?

c: >That's how *I*'d say it, but then I have a better job than the
c: >guy at that outpost. {{:)> Anyway, in TKD, 1.2 it says, "Once
c: >in a while it is pronounced like "i" in "zucchini, but this is
c: >very rare and it is not yet known exactly what circumstances
c: >account for it." My own guess is "bad acting".

I dunno about bad acting (Unless you want to use ST:TMP as an example of
BAD acting!!). I prefer to think of it as (quoting from TKD, p11): "There
are a number of dialects of Klingon. Only one of the dialects, */that of
the current Klingon emperor/*, is represented in this dictionary."
(emphasis added), and "Some dialects differ only slightly ... in the
pronounciation of a few sounds."

The thespian and romantic in me says it is only a "backwater" dialect from
someone who learned pronounciation during a previous emperor and due to the
stationing off-the-beaten-path, hasn't had the oportunity to pick up the
new "official" dialect. I also don't think that a klingon with a poor
education would have gotten such a position in the service.

Just my 2 kempec's ... er, kopec's worth.

      vay' yIHub Hoch 'ej Hoch tIHub vay'
                                          - DumaS
vIta'pu'be' !!!   tlhIngan ghaH *Bart Simpson*'e'
Steve Weaver       [email protected]

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