tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Mar 15 09:03:56 1995

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Re: KLBC: Correct Word..?

>Date: Tue, 14 Mar 1995 20:59:52 -0500
>Originator: [email protected]
>From: "R.B Franklin" <[email protected]>

>Kahless dropped a lock of his hair into the lava of the Kri'stak Volcano, 
>quenched it in the waters of Lake Lursor, and forged it into a weapon and 
>used it to kill Molor.  He named this weapon {batlh 'etlh} ("The Sword of 
>Honor").  I believe {betleH} is a contraction of that word, used to 
>describe the type of weapon traditionally used by Klingons.

No evidence that it's a contraction, but that doesn't mean you can't
speculate that it is.

>I think {batlh 'etlh} refers to Kahless' own weapon and {betleH} refers 
>to the type of weapon patterned after it and commonly used by other 

I'm not sure that Kahless necessarily invented the form of the weapon
either, but aside from that my thoughts mirror yours.  "batlh 'etlh" is the
name of a particular sword, like Excalibur is the name of King Arthur's and
Greywand is the name of Fafhrd's (and thus calling all those weapons
"batlh'etlh"s would be like saying "The knights all drew their Excaliburs
to do battle.")



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