tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Mar 05 08:34:16 1995

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Re: jIwuq versus tIn jIH

>Date: Fri, 3 Mar 1995 23:17:54 -0500
>Originator: [email protected]
>From: "R.B Franklin" <[email protected]>

>On Fri, 3 Mar 1995 [email protected] wrote:

>> When am I supposed to attach the indefinite nominative pronoun prefix to the
>> stative verb?  And when am I supposed to use the stative verb plus a
>> standalone nominative pronoun.

Thanks for jumping in here, yoDtargh (no, I'm not being sarcastic).  My
mail-access has not been quite so easy lately as it used to be, and I can
use all the help I can get (I'll be out for the end of this week through
Monday of next week too, so that will only make things worse).

>> So far in my limited study, I have seen only a partial pattern.  The prefix
>> seems to be used more for temporal feelings.  Even without the suffix to the
>> nominative pronoun, -taH, to indicate continuing status of the attributes
>> applied by the stative verb, standalone stative verb plus standalone
>> nominative pronoun constructions seem to indicate more of a lasting quality.
>>  This is not to say the quality cannot change someday, viz. mach jIH.
>>  Actually, tIn jIHtaH I have not encountered thus far.  So, perhaps there is
>> no need according to Klingon grammar to indicate that the attributes are
>> continuing for a lengthy time period.

>Pronouns are only added to the verb for emphasis or added clarity.  
>Remember, the verb prefix must match the subject of the verb.  {mach jIH} 
>and {tIn jItaH} are not correct since the lack of a verb prefix indicates 
>the subject is he, she, it or they.  You would say {jImach} and {jItIntaH} 
>instead.  For the sake of clarity you would add the pronoun to distingish 
>{QIp ghaH} from {QIp chaH}.  You could also say {jImach jIH} or 
>{jItIntaH jIH} in which case the pronoun is used for added emphasis.

Yes.  Thanks for stating this so well.  I'm not sure where the idea that
you could say "*tIn jIH" came from; it would sound like English "I does."
I suppose "jItaH" is grammatical, because "taH" is also a verb, but "*tIn
jItaH" doesn't work since you seem to have two sentences with no way to
relate them ("It's big I continue").

>Klingon pronouns can also function as verbs, meaning "to be".  You 
>normally use this when the sentence has no other verb.  When a pronoun is 
>used as a verb, it can take verb suffixes:

>tlhIngan ghaHbe'.  (He is not a Klingon.) 
>pa'wIjDaq jIHtaH.  (I remain in my room.)
>romulusngan Duj 'oH'a'?  (Is it a Romulan ship?)

Right.  The trick is here that we're using the pronouns as a copula ("to
be") when the complement of the verb is a noun or noun-phrase in some
sense.  So it's used to indicate position (being at a place: pa'wIjDaq
jIH(taH)) or equality between two things (He==Klingon: tlhIngan ghaH).


>P.S.  When are we going to get a new BG?  Is ~mark the BG pro tempore?

I have absorbed the BG job into the Grammarian's job until I can think of
whom to give it to.  I probably shouldn't be sitting on it so long,
especially since the load is so ridiculous.  Oh well.


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