tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Mar 03 09:28:07 1995

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Re: Strange New World Book

< >< Rpger writes:
< >< > I might add this spin to it... if you're going to learn a language, it 
< >< > might as well be done in the context of a project which will hold your 
< >< > interest. For many, the Bible is such a book.
< >< 
< >< This way, a Finn could open the Klingon bible, and a Suomi bible 
< >< side-by-side and begin learning Klingon without needing to know English....
< >< 
< >I beg to differ!
< >The Klingon bible is translated from AN english version (a rather well
< >known I believe), which is a translation of the original Greek (I
< >hope). 
< Um, not entirely.  I, for one, translate the Bible from its original Hebrew
< (not Greek; I'm doing the Hebrew Bible).  Nick Nicholas works from the
< Greek.  Jonathan van Hoose (sp?) is also a Greek-speaker, and Kevin Wilson
< has some familiarity in all the original languages of the Bible.  True, we
< can't hope to find many people who can manage ancient tongues *and*
< Klingon, so I understand Kevin is recommending that a particular well-known
< English version be used (probably a Finnish one or whatever could be used
< by a Finnish translator... if we had any)... but the editors (listed above)
< all get final looks, and we can read the original.
Mmmm your saying you are still translating the bible from different
languages (Hebrew and Greek). And even if you weren't, you going to
lose a lot of grammer-constructions when translating from one language
to another, so the idea of learning Klingon in your own language via
the bible isn't feasable anyhow...

BTW: A comliment to the work you guys are doing... keep it up!


----8<----- CUT HERE -----8<---------8<------- FOR RECEIPT -----8<-----
This proves that I have NOT received ANY message from Wouter Slegers.   
Wouter Slegers, 3rd year CS, [email protected]||[email protected].
Disclaimer: If the above sounds plausible, reread it several times!
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	 g+++ D+++ B---- e+>++ u- h>++ f+ r- n---(----) Y?

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