tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jul 30 15:24:08 1995

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Re: }} yoD Hov'a'

ghItlh tlheghmeQ:
>Do' bIr *carwij ratlhmoH jan.

I think {ratlh} "remain" should be used for the opposite of "go away".
If you're trying to say the device kept your car cool, there's a large
collection of suffixes to choose from.

{Do' ~carwIj tujchoHbe'moH jan}
"Luckily the device caused my car not to become hot."

>cha' ghomey chen. cha' ghomey So' *nylon.
>I know the third sentence is messed up; in that line I'm
>trying to describe the thing as being made of two circles covered with

The device is made FROM two circles and not BY them, so {chen} "take form"
is probably not the best word to use here.  {ghaj} "possess" or {ngaS}
"contain" seem to be better.  Since the circles are "covered with" nylon,
{Dech} "surround" might be useful.

{cha' gho'e' Dechbogh ~nylon ghaj pemHov yoD}
"The sun's shield has two circles which are surrounded by nylon."

-- ghunchu'wI'

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