tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jul 25 13:38:42 1995

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Re: }}} Victory Song / battle cry

>From: [email protected]
>Date: Tue, 25 Jul 95 13:08:46 EST

>On Tues July 25, 1995 [email protected] (Jim Boniface) at Internet wrote:

>>which reminds me, if anyone can think of a slogan to put under the trefoil 
>>in tlhIngan Hol I could use some suggestions)

>How about:

>   taS boSop 'ej SuHeghqu'

>It's the closest I could come to "Eat Paint & Die!"

It's not that close.  It's just indicative: "You eat paint, and you *die*."
I don't see any command in that anywhere.  Do you mean "taS yISop 'ej
peHeghqu'", perhaps?  Don't forget your PREfixes! :)

It's also a pretty weird translation.  "taS" is any liquid solution.  I'd
probably consider most beverages "taS"... I don't see what drinking and
death have in common.

It looks to me like you're trying to translate the pun of English "Eat
paint and dye!"  That's funny in English... but is about as funny (or
sensible) in Klingon as the sentences "A gardener grew wheat in the garden.
Big wheat grew in the garden" are tongue-twisters in English (they are in
Hebrew, but you know what?  puns and tongue-twisters don't translate).  Or
how about this howler: "What starts with a Z and ends with a Q and only men
have it?  A beard!"  And they say jokes don't translate.

Me, I'd be more confused than insulted by a tagline like that...


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