tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jan 30 07:14:57 1995

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Re: (n) orbit?

On Mon, 30 Jan 1995 [email protected] wrote:

> >But surely, if X is orbiting Y, then X is in orbit round Y??? It seems that
> >state verbs and action verbs merge indefinitely into each other.
> Qu'vatlh, qay'qu' pabmIwvam 'e' yISov. meqvam yIqel.
> The problem with {bav} is that it's transitive. {Duj bav} means "it orbits
> the ship." You could probably do what you just did to any verb and then call
> it an adjectival. {Qong} means "be in a state of sleep" so I can say {puq
> Qong}. {qet} means "be in the process of running" so {loD qet} is fine.
> Please, there is a distinction between stative and active. And thus far
> Okrand description of Klingon tells us that only statives are used as
> adjectivals.

so put it this way:  if Okrand has given us a translation that in some 
way *explicitly* includes "to be X" (ie, "be big", "be red"), then the verb 
is STATIVE and can be used adjectivally.

IF, however, he has NOT given a translation that *explicitly* uses "to 
be X", then the verb is ACTIVE and CANNOT be used adjectively.

instead of trying to redefine the Klingon vocabulary we have, why don't 
you try recasting your english to the Klingon vocabulary available?  
(not directed at you, Guido...)

does this get the point across any clearer??  do you understand the 
problem, A. Appleyard?

> Guido


tlhIngan Hol Dajatlhchugh "[email protected]"Daq jabbI'IDmeylIj yIngeH
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