tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jan 27 09:25:33 1995

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RE: "English"

On Fri, 27 Jan 1995 ADM::[email protected] wrote:

> Has anyone considerd the perhaps too sensible solution: "'englIS"?

one problem:  there is no canon instance of *<'englIS>* in any known 
klingon text.  (known by me, anyways.)  see, what a lot of people (me, 
and some others on this list) want is NOT a new klingon word.  this, to 
me, is a new klingon word; if i use this in a sentence to a beginner, and 
he/she tries to figure out what i wrote, they aren't going to find 
*<'englIS>* in the dictionary.  instead, most people want to use 
>tera'ngan Hol< or >DIvI' Hol<, even though they aren't quite correct, 
just because they are actual klingon words.

me, i prefer to use >*English* Hol<, where *English* is a word in english 
that has no translation (or an unknown translation) into klingon.  this 
allows me to use english words in a klingon sentence without the chance 
of confusing a beginner.  it also avoids having to pick from ten or 
twenty different ways to transliterate "English" into klingon phonemes.  
(i think that's what they're called.)

> Another point here is to consider whether we're asking the right question. 
> I think that question ought to be "What do Klingons call the lingua franca 
> of Federation personnel?"

now, that would be >DIvI' Hol< -- Federation Standard.  not necessarily 
english (although that's what we hear on the show), but one assumes that.


tlhIngan Hol Dajatlhchugh "[email protected]"Daq jabbI'IDmeylIj yIngeH
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