tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jan 26 06:23:20 1995

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Re: How to read Klingon

Some of us probably do wish that Klingon were done boustrephedon, but if
.yaw taht nrael ot rehguot *hcum* saw keerG ,sallE' fo evitan a ksa uoy

Then your brain has to recognize the same word two different ways, and
.tneiciffe yrev t'nsi ti ,ecapS elbuoD gninnur si niarb ruoy sselnu

(Hmm, that backwards text looks like Romulan, eh?)

Okuda has essentially informed us that Klingon text is "centered" (even 
though he greeks it, he does radiate it out from the center.)  The 
convention most of >Hol<dom agrees on is that Klingon text is probably 
one sentence per line.  (Thus reducing the need for punctuation, as a 
"carriage return" is the period, and >'e'< usually takes care of commas 
and semicolons.)

I give a sample of what it might look like.  (Sorry, have no ASCIIpIqaD)

			>lI'qu' tlhIngan may' taj<
			>not HubHa"eghrup lo'wI'<
		    >taj DopmeyDaq nargh cha' tajHom<
			  >ghop luQan tajHommey<
			       >pe'laH je<
				>Qapla'<	-SP2 (Skybox Card 2)

<[email protected]>    >1 910 759 5532, fax -6142<  "Pardon me, but if I must
David E G Sturm, Laboratory Manager                operate in a vacuum, can
Wake Forest University Department of Physics       I at least have a little
Box 7507 Reynolda Station, Winston-Salem NC 27109  ether to calm my nerves?"

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