tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jan 18 08:45:10 1995

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I've been listening to my CK quite intensively for a while and some
questions have come up.

   What's happening over there?
   {pa'Daq qaStaH nuq?}
(the Daq(?) sounds like another word but I can't think what else it
could be.)

Is this sentence weird or is it just me?
   Klingon warriors are butting heads.
   {qIp'egh nachDu'chaj tlhIngan SuvwI'pu'}
"Klingon warriors of their foreheads hit themselves?" 
There's obviously a grammatical point in here that I don't

What is the name of this sport that everyone enjoys? A sound on the
background apparently causes me not to be able to hear it perfectly.
I hear it as {may'ngev}.
(And, because I'm unfamiliar with the english equivalent of the
sport, could you spell it for me. Mock battle? Sounds more like
{mu'qaD veS} to me. Well, English is not my native tongue.)

Also on the tape I heard {meQ} being used as "be burnt(v)" and
{pegh} as "be classified(v)". Am I correct?

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