tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jan 13 13:34:10 1995

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Re: "HolQeD" 3:4

charghwI' made an excellent response to my proposed {-ghach} alternative
translations. He did some things differently, some of them I liked better
than mine, some less, but I shan't nit-pick. Only one small thing on my own
part that needs some attention.

> "Did you receive his payment."
> {DuDIlpu''a'}, {HuchDaj DaHevpu''a'}
> See how simple that is?

Actually, looking at the first one again, I don't know that this would work
out so good, considering what the object of {DIl} is really supposed to be,
i.e., the thing paid for. {SoHvaD DIlpu''a'} would clean that up tho. This is
a tough case for that prefix quirky thingy with indirect objects. [Guido
revels in his outstanding display of linguistic knowledge by using all the
technical terminology (not)].

DopDaq qul yIchenmoH, QobDI' ghu'.

>The question then becomes, "Would such a Klingon article fit
>the scholarly format of HolQeD?" Would it survive the peer
>review process? Could it be considered anonymous, given the the
>few people who COULD write such an article each have very
>recognizable styles in their Klingon writing, which would be
>ESPECIALLY recognizeable to the few peer editors who could read

Do you think it would detract from it so much? Not everything in the KLI
journal is of top-notch ultra-scholarly quality. It just looks that way from
the professional-looking layout. We don't have to have little petty stories
like {chab Sop targh. chab nIH Qa'. Qa' HoH targh. Qa' Sop je targh. Quch
targh.} It can remain of a reasonably intellectual standard, and I think some
raw Klingon sprawled across the pages of "HolQeD" would do us more good than
otherwise. 'Otherwise,' where is all the Klingon text going to go? To some
obscure literary collection of mostly semi-grammatical poems that have no
rhythm nor rhyme and one-paragraph stories. There are certainly enough of us
to contribute substantial Kllingon text, without really needing to subject it
to the same peer review procedure as the English articles go thru, which
procedure serves a different purpose anyways. I have never seen any
objections to more use of the language, but it appears that laziness wins out
in the end. I know that I hadn't even read more than a paragraph of Klingon
at one time before ~mark's translation of Jonah. Most other Klingonists are
in the same boat right now. If we started a trend, it would lead on to bigger
and better things. Surely you can't deny the significance of expanding our
current archive into a formidable body of Klingon literature. I will submit
raw Klingon to "HolQeD," because I think that is what would truly benefit the
Klingon Language Community (and I humor myself by even calling it that).


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