tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jan 06 07:19:23 1995

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qechmeywIj on learning a language

In teaching the language, has anyone ever used the technique of 
introducing ideas/phrases as a way of instructing?  (Rather than learning 
straight vocabulary, then grammar, then putting the two together)

I've noticed (in my own education also) that grammar is rather sticky.  
Many student problems in translation come from trying to take an idea in 
their native language, looking at the words, translating the words, then 
failing in communicating the idea fully.

The tapes use this method of phrasing.  But I was wondering if there was 
more out there.  I seem to do better with ideas, rather than words, and 
it helps ever-so-much with basic grammar, and exceptions to the rule.


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