tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jan 05 19:00:08 1995

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Re: How in the hell

>>Excuse me. I'm a tad bit iritated. Some moron subscribed me to
>>this mailing list. Could the admin either unsubscribe me, or tell me
>>how to unsubscribe.
>Good luck, many of us have been trying to unsubscribe and nobody will allow
>it. We've been told (I don't know if it was a joke or not) that we have to
>ask in Klingon. I'm getting to the point that if someone doesn't either take
>me off the list or tell the proper procedure how (I've tried several of the
>normal unsub methods) I'm going to start mail-bombing the damned list until
>someone takes note of it and forcibly removes me for it. I'm really getting
>tired of getting all the mail from the list, I don't have time to look at
>it, and it's just getting to be a pain to delete the mail all the time when
>my mail program beeps at me to tell me some new message has come in that I
>have no interest in.

According to the information that I have you need to send a message to
"[email protected]" with the following text in the body of the message:

                unsubscribe tlhingan-hol

Note: This text goes in the _body_.  Do NOT put it in the subject line,
you can leave the subject blank.

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