tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jan 03 11:24:33 1995

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Re: matlholbej

>naDev pawtaH jabbI'IDmey law'. laDwI'vaD law' jabbI'IDlIj
>laDlu'meH poH poQlu'bogh nI' law' wa' rep nI' puS. jabbI'IDlIj
>potlh law' Hoch potlh puS 'e' qatlh DaQub? qatlh poH nI' DapoQ?

Hu'tegh, choyajHa'. naDev latlhvaD qeqmeH 'eb vInob vIneH neH. ghItlh tIq
laDchugh vaj qeqqu'. qeqqu'meH 'ej po'choHmeH qaq ghItlh tIq.

chaq nuv puS chaw'be' poHchaj, 'ach chaHvaD jIlabbe'. qeqmeH poH pollI'bogh
nuvvaD jIlab. ghItlhwIj tIq laDmeH latlh, rut chaw'be' poH. 'e' vIyaj 'a ram.
ramqu', reH tlhIngan Hol law' vIghItlhruptaHmo'.

Just as a side note, I wanted to say some things for which Fed Standard may
be more appropriate.

First of all, I said in an earlier post something about the Klingon
vocabulary being {yapHa'}. This is different from {yapbe'}. It is "wrongly
sufficient" for describing life on Earth, or some of the other topics that
people on this list want to talk about. I would never say it's "insufficient"
because we have plenty of words to say quite a bit, depending on what context
your living in. For example, the Klingon vocab we have is perfectly apt to
describe life on Kronos in a Trekkie universe in the 23th or 24th century by
the Terran calendar. Thus the {-Ha'}/{-be'} distinction comes in handy. It is
not insufficient, perhaps just 'malsufficient'.

Of course it all depends on how deep you get into a topic. You can't start
talking about computers and InterNet in too great a detail, for example,
without running into serious vocab problems. But yes, charghwI', it's fine to
stick names in there. Yes, I am something of a purist, but not *that* much.

Also, just out of curiosity, I've noticed you (charghwI' again), in your
constructions using the {'e'} topic pronoun, have consistently put the
adverbial after the {'e'}, e.g. {'e' qatlh DaQub}. Any particular reason for
that, since we know that {'e'} is considered the object and adverbials come
before objects. (See TKD 5.4, 6.2.5; "HolQeD" 1:2, pp.4-5) Just wonderin'.


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