tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Dec 24 17:17:55 1995

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Re:qaqIHneS! (many replies)

At 02:51 18-12-95 -0800, you wrote:

>"tuHoHbe'" = "you do not kill me". Hm. I didn't want to say that. 
>"HIHoHQo'", the imperative/request is more like it. But what if I wanted
>to be polite, and not issue an order?

Klingons don't do politeness. Simply make it an imperative (an order). If
you want, you can add the -neS suffix if talking to someone that is more
important than you. Or say something else altogether, like "I don't you to
kill me" or "I ask you not to kill me".

>The same priciple applies to German, too. "I live in" = "Ich *wohne* in",
>"I am alive" = "Ich lebe". (Volker knows what I'm talking about, hi there!)

I know what you're talking about too.
Ich spreche auch Deutsch...


          Jarno Peschier, [email protected], 2:2802/245.1@Fido
      162:100/100.1@Agora, 74:3108/102.1@QuaZie, 27:2331/214.1@SigNet
     What was was, before was was was? Before was was was, was was is.

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