tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Dec 23 17:46:47 1995

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After Doing vs. When Done

David Barron wrote:

> I need a ruleing on how to say "after".

     Well, you're not getting it from me -- I only give suggestions.
     jIghItlh wIvoqbe' Hoch jIh je.
> I think, I remember in Power Klingon hearing "After we eat...." represented 
> as <maSoppa'be'...> but then it says in TKD that rovers cannot follow 
> a type 9 suffix (TKD page 49).

     Yes, it says that at the top of p. 46 in the appended edition. And the 
reason for this is, I suspect, that most of the type 9 verb suffixes are needed 
to make subordinate clauses (or, more precisely, to flag subordinate verbs).

     My suggestion uses two other suffixes: perfective (-pu', type 7) and when 
(-DI', type 9).
     The phrase "After we eat" would be rendered (or is that rent>) into 
<maSoppu'DI'>, which translate back as "When we finish eating." It's fairly 
close, will still belong at the start of the sentence like most 
verbs-used-as-adverbials, and doesn't bend the rule of rovers and type 9 

     Now the downside: it's unambiguous. Consider the phrase:
     mavempu'DI' nIQ maSop
     or "After we awaken, we eat breakfast." -DI' also means "as soon as," so 
this phrasing implies that the breakfast takes place immediately after they wake
up. You'd need a future tense on the main verb ...but Klingon doesn't have a 
future tense, so maybe one so-called design flaw compensates for another.

HIgh jaj QaQ 'oH. (<-- Pending gramattical corrections, natch!)

-- David Wood, Freelance Computer Consultant
("Freelance" is just a cheesy way of saying "Irregularly Employed")

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