tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Dec 17 11:07:54 1995

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RE: pongmemwIj yIleghqa'

>QetaH jIH 'ej
>jIwIvta' QetaH mo' jIparHa' QIch neH

{mo'} on it's own means the noun "cage", not "because". That's the suffix
-mo' (both verb and noun, I believe). So the above it not correct Klingon
for "I have chosen QetaH just because I like the sound of it". The object of
{jIwIvta'} should be your name, yet you put it in the subject position. And
then you use the {jI-} prefix even though use objects in your sentences. I
would (re)write this as "neH QIch vIparHa'mo' QetaH vIwIvta'" or something.
That's at least grammatically correct (I hope ;-)).


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I just switched to using Microsoft Exchange as a mail reader.  Any ideas on how to
get rid of this veQ?



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