tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Dec 17 10:17:47 1995

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peHruS wrote:
>I have been thinking long and hard and now it is time to post.  {yIn} 
>to ME to mean "be alive, live."  I prefer the Hebrew concept of "lodging in 
>place" to mean "one lives at the place." 
I'm not certain I understand you. I assume you're talking about the 
difference between "l'chyot" which would be yIn, and "lagur" which you would 
use for Qong, but I think "lagur" has more the sense of belonging/becoming 
part of a community, which is why "l'gayer" of the same root means to 
convert. For lodging in a place, I'd use "laloon," which means exactly what 
Qong does. Of course, "la'loon" doesn't have the sense of permanency that's 
sought in the original sentence (see Genesis 28:11 for a good example of the 
Hebrew's sense). 
If we could find a Klingon word for the idea of becoming part of the 
community through residence therein, it would more closely approximate the 
Hebew "lagur," which I agree is a better concept than to "live" or to 
"lodge" in a place.


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