tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 12 09:50:22 1995

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Re: Translation request

> David Barron:
> qatlh rejmorgh jIHnIS'a'
> ~mark:
> >Ugh. 

> Not to mention the simultaneous (mis)use of {qatlh} and {-'a'}.

Hmmm, is the simultaneous use of question words and /-'a'/ actually 
forbidden?  Krankor and I were just talking about this Friday 
night.  There's at least one circumstance where I can imagine them used 

   speaker A: (mumble garble gurgle) DaneH'a'?
   speaker B: nuq vIneH'a'?

Granted, this is a question which requires an explanation, not a yes/no 
question, but it's not flatly ungrammatical becuase of the co-occurrence.

I'd probably wince with pain, if I heard someone saying /nuq DaSov'a'/?  
Under my breath, I'd mutter "tera'ngan!".  But it's not ungrammatical.


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