tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 11 22:09:23 1995

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You've made your bed...

vanya wrote about making your bed. I missed this the first time around, so 
either it's real old or was on while I was kicked off my old account...
I disagree with r'Hul's translation. The English phrase has a somewhat 
pejorative sense; you've done one action, so now you must follow through, 
though you may not wish to. Withdrawing a handgun from a holster can in and 
of itself be the final act (coming from someone like me, it serves as a darn 
fine deterrent...) and so a shot is not a needed next step. Alternatively, 
in a situation in which I would advise my students to draw, shooting would 
then be a desired next step and not one taken reluctantly. Except in ery 
specific situations, I can't see that this translation carries the smae 
connotations as the original "You've made your bed."

Althea, proud owner of the Klingon Glock 17, HichwIj

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