tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Dec 10 19:54:30 1995

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Re: Listowner's Rant (Re: Real Audio, the Universe, and Everything)

>I'm done. Stick a fork in me. Rant finished.
 IMHO, that's no big deal because eventually that attitude will get around,
ABC / NBC will get bored when something 'hotter' comes out and THEN they'll
be scrambling for the 'smaller' guys. Streamworks by Xing might be worth
checking out. Also, I'm surprised more isn't done with IPhone, it'd be a
great way for those of us in the middle of the desert to hear actual spoken
klingon, LIVE, for the cost of a local phone call.
 Another thing worth checking out is virtual worlds chat, basically a
hyped-up version of a mud..


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