tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Dec 07 07:12:52 1995

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Re: {-bogh} vs {-meH}

R.B Franklin wrote:
> There are no specific rules for creating names and your name does not
> really need to be grammatical, in fact your name does not have to mean
> anything at all.  However, it's been my observation that all canon
> Klingon names are only one or two syllables long, so {HomghormeHtaj}
> looks rather wordy to me.  But if the name was shorter, say {Homghor} or
> {ghortaj}, I think either would make fine Klingon names.  (Personally,
> I like the sound of {ghortaj}.)  There's one member of the list whose name
> is simply {ghor} (I think it's the translation of his Finnish name).

I pretty much understand what your saying but only confused on one point.
I assummed that creating new words was forbidden.  It seems a fine line 
between creating a proper name for an individual thing and a word for an entire
group of things.  Creating a word, such as {ghortaj}, for battle ax seems on
the same order as {betleH} for a specific kind of {'etlh}.  I get the impression
that many would love to create a word for a specific thing but I can see how
it would get totally out of hand.

I agree completely that more than two syllables for a name becomes cumbersome.

Personally, I also like the sound of {ghortaj}.  I'd be concerned that it would
be considered a new word and not accepted.  What are the constraints were this
is concerned?


(Chet Braun)

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