tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Dec 07 04:33:13 1995

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A poem

Hi there!

I wrote my first poem in Klingon yesterday. I'm a beginner with both the
Klingon language and (romantic) poems, so please don't expect too much.
Here it is:

bangwI' teH

bangwI' teH SoH
lurDu'lIjDaq jIleghDI' jIlIj'egh
muvuQ jIblIj Dun tIq
SoH 'IH law' Hoch 'IH puS

bangwI' teH SoH
'IwwIj lupubmoH mInDu'lIj tIn SuD
tIqwIj chocharghbejta'
not matay'Ha'jaj

I'm a bit concerned about line 2. Is {lurDaq jIlegh} okay or should I use
{lur vIlegh} ? I wanted to say something like "into your eyes".


--= Christoph Pfisterer       _.---._       "not verengan SoS yInuS" =--
--= [email protected]     `---\ c====  [verengan SuqtaHghach    =--
--=     `--'      chut wejmaH wa'DIch]    =--

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