tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 05 20:46:33 1995

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Re: Colors? What colors?

[SuD Hurgh, SuD wov, etc]

Bill.Willmerdinger writes:
>I've thought about this before, but hesitated.  Can you use a verb to
>modify another verb?  You'd need something adverbial, wouldn't you?  "It
>is green very darkly" or "It greens very darkly."  Or am I missing

I guess I was considering these in their adjectival role, following the
noun, with each verb acting to modify the previous noun phrase.  So
{nav SuD wov} would be a "bright, blue/green/yellow paper" and not a
"bright blue/green/yellow paper".  Is my distinction clear?  I don't
want "bright" to modify just "blue/green/yellow", I want it to modify
"blue/green/yellow paper".

Of course, this is incompatible with my previous suggestion of using
{-moH} to turn them into commands the user can carry out.  Maybe the
whole paradigm for a Klingon GUI needs to be thought out a bit more?
Instead of user actions, the menu choices could be commands given to
the application, in imperative form.  The user does not "Print" the
document; the user commands the application to print it, or maybe he
commands the document to print itself.  The user does not change the
font size; he commands the text to change to the desired appearance.
With this scheme, one would tell the selection {yISuD 'ej yIHurgh}.
(If there were more than one object selected: {peSuD 'ej peHurgh}.)
Clipping is definitely appropriate here, so {SuD 'ej Hurgh} should be
acceptable, and maybe even {SuD Hurgh} as two simultaneous commands.

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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