tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 09 10:41:37 1994

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Re: pronouns and <-bogh>

According to Joseph W. Casey:
> And now for some Klingon:
> My Klingon line name is Cheghjihtah, it is as near as I could come to "I
> always return". Any comments on how bad my Klingon is?

Work on which letters are uppercase or not. It makes a big
difference for those who are accustomed to reading Klingon. Get
it wrong and it looks like typos. Anyway, "I always return"
would be closer to {jIcheghtaH}. More accurately, it means
something like "I am returning" with shades of perpetuity, but
not really. It means more something like, "I am in the state of
returning with no particular emphasis on when I started
returning or when I will end returning. The focus is on the act
of returning and not on any goal of having accomplished the
goal of returning."

You might take a different tac and just call yourself
{cheghwI'} or even {chegh}. The former is a word that is itself
a noun meaning "returner" or "one who returns". The latter is
just a sound, like {Qugh}, which happens to also mean
"disaster", but in this case, is the name of the captain of the
ship in ST3. Your original attempt is a little long for a name
and is grammatically confused.

> Secondly, on this point, My line motto is Yin Qap'ej this is supposed to
> say "Survive and Succeed". How badly did I mangle this one.

Well, you made a couple mistakes. Again, you need to get your
upper and lower cases right. The noun conjunction {je} follows
the pair of nouns it combines, but the verb conjunction {'ej}
goes BETWEEN the verbs it combines. Also, it is formally better
to include the imperative prefix, so it doesn't mean, "He
survives and he succeeds."

yIyIn 'ej yIQap.

If you want it to sound more like a blessing than a command,
then add the suffix {-jaj}:

yIyInjaj 'ej yIQapjaj

> Survive and Succeed
> Major Makin vestai-Cheghjihtah
> Force Leader, Strike Force Morath
> Commander, Assault Squadron


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