tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Dec 18 09:58:48 1994

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RE: negative angle

IMHO A vulcan Captain is more likly to tell someone to place their weapon
at a "negative angle" than a Klingon. Klingon's being a very direct race
(just MY impression from the books, movies and TV, since no one seems to
place any importance on the culture/history/language connection) would just
say "Lower your weapon", some might even add "or die" to emphasize that you
will lower your weapon, now.

A (space)ship might travel at a negative angle in relation to its direction
of travel (through loss of pitch and yaw control or a deliberate setting)
but again, since no one is willing to discuss the culture and history of
the tlhIngan wo' or even acknowledge the fact that it is the history,
culture, customs and religon of a race that give meaning to words and
define their use, it results in a "translate it to how you want it to sound
and as long as it is grammatically correct, go ahead an use it" mentality.

 >According to David E G Sturm:
>> Not that it's canon, but I feel that 'negative angle' most likely refers
>> to how one would hold one's disruptor pistol when your Captain ordered
>> you to lower your weapons.  (That is, to cause your disruptor to be at a
>> negative angle.)...
>> So, that's how I'd annotate any entry... (Thus, permission granted for
>> AKD compilers to extract relevant material.)
>> Dave.
>When you annotate, please remember to cite the source has
>nothing to do with Okrand.

Steve Weaver                                   [email protected]
"It is as fatal as it is cowardly to blink facts because they are not to
our taste."        --- John Tyndall ---

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