tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri May 04 11:09:15 2012

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] lurkers / KLBC (Klingon Language Beginner's Corner)

Qov ([email protected])

It used to be at the qep'a' that the BG was asked if they were ready to retire and for suggestions as to who might be ready to take over, and then the new person was approached and did the "me, I couldn't possibly" dance, then worked as hard as they could to live up to the honour, thus accruing any missing necessary knowledge and skill before they became inured to the task.

I guess the supply of beginners dwindled sufficiently that the BG was no longer visible on the list, so no one thought to relieve them, and the tradition stopped. The task used to require an hour or so a day, but you got so good at it.

- Qov

At 08:31 '?????' 5/4/2012, De'vID jonpIn wrote:
> I'm pretty sure there is no BG. We should appoint one and have them write a weekly topic, akin to the word of the day.

How does this work?  Does the High Council of the KLI have to be
convened?  Do the spirits of past grammarians have to be propitiated?
What happened to the last BG?  Did s/he die a glorious death battling
par Hol?  Does a bat(on/leth) have to be passed from one BG to the
next?  Will the previous BG get a statue erected to him/her in the

But seriously, doesn't a new BG have to at least be approved, if not
appointed, by the previous one?  Who was the last (/is the current)


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