tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Mar 24 02:06:01 2012

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] good Klingon font?

De'vID jonpIn ([email protected])

> navDaq tlhIngan Hol vIghItlhnIS.  {browser}Daq cha' {font} 'e' vISaHbe'.

This is an example of the sort of thing I want to do:

In my old office, we have rooms named after planets (both real and
fictional).  For the "Kronos" room, I had replaced the sign with one
written in Klingon, as a (non-April Fool's) joke.  It actually made
the room easier to find for people in the office (e.g., people would
say "The meeting's in Kronos... that's the one with the door sign you
can't read"), but it occasionally confused some visitors.  That sign
used Code2000, but I don't really like the aesthetics of it.

I'm in a new office and I was thinking of replacing all the signs in
my area (for some definition of area I haven't decided yet) with
Klingon ones for April Fool's ("bathroom", "printer", "colour
printer", "office supplies", "garbage", "recycling", "no visitors
beyond this point", "quiet area", "cafeteria"... you know, typical
office signs).

printer: {ghItlhmeH jan}?
colour printer: {nguvmoHbogh ghItlhmeH jan} or {ghItlhmeH nguvmoHbogh
jan} or...?
office supplies: {yaH 'aH}?  (I like {'aH} just because it's
underused, and also for rhyming with {yaH}... but maybe this should be
{luch} or something.)
garbage: {veQ}
recycling: ...?

It'd be nice to individually label the supplies cabinets/shelves/items
too: {nav}, {mavjop}, staplers, staples, staple remover (which I
suspect will just be the same word as stapler but with a judiciously
placed {-Ha'}), folders, binders, binder rings, notebooks ({qonmeH
paq}?), {ghItlhwI'}, {ghojmeH ghItlhwI'}, erasers, {cha''etlh pe'wI'},
elastic bands, Post-It notes, {nav qatwI'}, tissues, etc.

Any particular suggestions for translations of things one finds around
an office?

So my requirement for the font is just that it looks good, on paper
(or cardboard or whatever), when printed.  That it may not display
every Klingon web page correctly in a browser, or that I may have to
type XIFAN HOL, are not relevant for this particular task.  I'll try
the various suggested fonts and see which one(s) look best.


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