tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Mar 03 03:17:41 2012

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] KLI CanonHom (was: Facebook Translation Project [FTP]: weekdays)

Felix Malmenbeck ([email protected])

> While I agree that it doesn't look as neat to leave untranslated bits, it's often the best way to go.

What I'm suggesting is what I feel would be a way to create a better way to go.
Clearly, though, there isn't much agreement (I think it's something like 5 "nays", 1 "yay" (mine) and 1 "maybe").

(by the way, while I know it's not the point you were making, I'd like to point out that I imagine stalagmites and stalagtites would not be the subject of such a project, since they probably exist on Klingon worlds as well and there may therefore be "real" Klingon expressions for them)

> Facebook users aren't going to know where this List is.

As has been mentioned, one of the most important steps is to find ways to reach out to a large slab of the speaking community. If that won't be possible (which I thought it would be when I came up with the idea, but am starting to think it won't be considering the initial reaction in this group, and also considering De'vID's point about not all jatlhwI'pu' being language geeks), I agree the project would be pointless.

Consensus lies at the core of my proposal, and it would appear that the consensus is "No, thank you".
As such, I withdraw my suggestion; perhaps I'll give it some more thought and return with a more clear description that addresses the problems that have been mentioned here, or perhaps I'll give it some more thought and end up agreeing with the rest of you.
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