tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Mar 02 11:55:33 2012

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] Facebook Translation Project [FTP]: weekdays

Qov ([email protected])

At 00:54 02/03/2012, Lieven Litaer wrote:

I suggest to keep weekdays untranslated. It's not "nice" in a visible point, but it's the most usable way inside Facebook.

Untranslated from what? German? English? Portuguese? I know you mean English, but I support stepping away from the imperialism of English, even if it is just far away to make Sunday jaj wa'. (But Monday as jaj wa' is better. It's an ISO standard.)

I also really really like the idea of days of juljaj maSjaj etcetera, despite being in complete agreement with the wisdom of SuStel and lojmIt tI'wI' nuv regarding making up our own stuff and pretending it's real. I want it both ways! Couldn't we have kinda unofficial nicknames for the weekdays, like Canadians have for our money? "penny" "nickel" "dime" "quarter" "loonie" and "toonie" aren't stamped anywhere on the coins. The mint doesn't call them that --although I think you can find they've caved to loonie on their website-- but everyone knows the names. So when you're speaking formally it's "twenty-five cent piece" or "one dollar coin" or DIvI' Hol Hogh jaj cha'DIch, but just between you and me when SuStel and the Klingonist formerly known as charghwI' aren't looking, I'll accept maSjaj with a grin.

- Qov

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