tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jul 28 23:15:51 2012

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] nup bop bom: 'ay' cha'vatlh loSmaH loS: meQtaHbogh qul moQ

Robyn Stewart ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol po'wI']

At 23:24 '?????' 7/28/2012, Rohan Fenwick - QeS 'utlh wrote:<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">ghItlhpu' Qov, jatlh:<br>
&gt; QoD qImyal Duj 'ach baHrupDI' Qa'bar nuH, reH Qa'bar<br>
&gt; puSDaq qImyal Duj tu'lu'[355].<br><br>
I really like this phrasing.</blockquote><br>
I wasn't really sure how to use QoD, but if it means anything, it means
it in this context, so I gave it the widest possible application and then
had Hota'ro' follow it.<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">&gt; nItlhDu'DajDaq Dujvetlh
ngaDmoHtaH Hota'ro'. qImyal<br>
&gt; Duj luHotlhtaH.<br><br>
'Iv 'oS {lu-}? nungbogh mu'tlheghmo' tlhoS Hota'ro' nItlhDu'<br>
vIQub, 'ach lughbe'ba' 'e' vItlhoj.</blockquote><br>
luHotlh Hov matlh beqpu'. HotlhwI' chu' wa' nuv neH 'ach tay'taHvIS
vangmo' luHotlh chaH 'e' vIqel. 'ach Qapbe'law'pu'mo' to'vetlh, vIchoH:
&lt;<font size=2>qImyal Duj HotlhtaH Qa'bar.&gt;<br><br>
</font><blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">&gt; chalDaq DIngtaHvIS
meQqu'taHbogh qul moQ,<br><br>
I could get Sach or tInchoH, but can a qul moQ really
DIng meQtaHbogh Duj 'ej qul moQ mojpu' Duj.&nbsp; &quot;While the burning
sphere of fire spun in the sky.&quot;&nbsp; Did I not make it clear that
it is the ship that is on fire, or do you not like the idea of it
spinning and burning both at once? <br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">&gt; yaychajmo' jachqu' vagh
ghogh. tamtaH Hota'ro'. Qugh<br>
&gt; luvemmoH 'ach loptaH neH 'e' leghDI' Qongqa' 'e' nID.<br><br>
luvemmoH seems to assume that the focus has changed, but then<br>
the focus shifts back to Hota'ro'. Can I suggest that you use<br>
an explicit subject for luvemmoH to clear that up?</blockquote><br>
vIta'laHbej. DaH:<br><br>
<font size=2>Qugh luvemmoH jachwI'pu' 'ach loptaH neH 'e' leghDI' Qel,
Qongqa' 'e' nID.<br><br>
I kept taking the reason why there were six people paying attention to
the battle but only five crying out in victory in and out and moving it
around. It disrupts the flow wherever it is, but I think it needs
</font><blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">&gt; qughwI' SaqmoH
If qughwI' is &quot;cruiser&quot;, we do have qughDuj for
qaq. pa' vIchoHpu' 'ej latlh &lt;qughwI'&gt;mey vIchoHpu' je.<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">&gt; qaStaHvIS wejmaH DIS
mumaghtaH 'e' vIlajchu'pu'pa'<br><br>
{'e'} tlha'mo' wot {laj}, {-pu'} yIteq.</blockquote><br>
vIta'. maj.<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">&gt; QIt jatlh qaH'eng, «veSDaq
qaSlI' ... QuDHom.»<br><br>
{QuDHom} qechmo' jIHaghqu'.</blockquote><br>
ghu'Daj Dayajba'. DujDaj quv choqnIS. Duj ghu' Sovchu'be'mo'&nbsp;
yepnIS. Do'Ha' tugh nepwI' QaH mu'vetlh yep.<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">&gt; Duj naQvaD Mahoun parmaq
Dotlh chu' maq 'e' Sov Mahoun.<br><br>
qatlh qabpaq DotlhDaj neH choHbe'pu'? :P</blockquote><br>
parmaq Dotlh mung Daghovchu!&nbsp; vIqontaHvIS jaS vIjatlhlaHbe', 'a
jIHagh je. qabpaq lupoQbe' Farsajii beq, QumpInvetlh lughajmo'. SovDI'
QumpIn, Sov Hoch. muQuchmoH wanI'vetlh. Heghpu' HoDchaj 'e' luHar. chaq
Heghpu' HungpInchaj je: luSamlaHbe'. lurI'. jang tlhIngan ... 'ej pay'
SaH HungpIn, HoD je 'ej pIv HoD 'ej Sawta'! chaHvaD jIQuch.<br><br>
- Qov</body>

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