tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jul 27 13:47:48 2012

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' cha'vatlh cha'maH Soch: SuchwI' Hat

Qov ([email protected])

At 13:59 '?????' 7/27/2012, you wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">lut vItIvbej 'a poHwIj
lunatlhmo' Qu'mey law' pIj vIbuSlaHbe'. And<br>
please forgive my lapsing into English for this chapter's
DapojlaHDI' jIbel 'ach pagh Dawel. bIghaqqu'pu'.&nbsp; poHlIj vIvuv. And
for anyone who wants to poke a finger in just to point out a missed
prefix, or tell me something that made them laugh, that is much
appreciated, too.<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 1:22 PM,
Qov &lt;[email protected]&gt; wrote:<br>
&gt; jolpa' 'el ngaH. lutlhej cha' 'avwI'pu' vaQ. taDchoH Dugh
I don't see italics. The email came through with a text/plain
type. Did it get &quot;downgraded&quot; on the way out of your emailer,
on the<br>
way through the list server, or on the way into my Google Mail
 From what I can track down, I think it's the first
Yeah, I've gone back to an e-mail program that dates from the days that
it was only polite to strip everything other than basic ASCII from a
message, so as not to deposit garbage on your recipient's screen. They
are still in the ghItlh. I may be able to adjust the e-mail program to
let them through.<br><br>
<font size=2>QeychoH Mahoun burgh. <i>qatlh lutvam Qoyqa' neH Mahoun 'e'
Har Qa'bar?</i> <br><br>
</font><blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">Or maybe they weren't
there in the first place, but in that case why<br>
would you mention them?</blockquote><br>
I think I was talking about them being in the ghItlh, because it was
something that QeS recommended for ship names and you recommended for
internal speech. I had already implemented QeS' suggestion and embraced
yours as excellent.<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">&gt; maH neH nurI'laH.tlhoS Seng
There's a space missing after {nurI'laH.}</blockquote><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">&gt; nIb Sa' lupDujHom meH
bobcho', rIpDuy qughwI' meH<br>
&gt; bobcho' 'e' vIHar.<br><br>
You need a {je} between {bobcho'} and {'e'}.</blockquote><br>
maj. mu'tlheghmeywIj DalaDlaHtaHmo' jIbelqu'. Maybe I should be allowed
to write only one sentence a day and made to write it out ten times
correctly if there are errors.<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">&gt; Qel pa'vo', yejquv Duy
DujDaq Qel jolchu' Qoreq.<br><br>
I don't understand why it's {jolchu'} instead of just
I'm looking for the idea that he did it in one, without beaming him first
to the transporter room.&nbsp; In English I would say &quot;He beamed him
straight from his room to the high councillor's ship&quot; maybe
&quot;directly&quot; &quot;right through&quot; &quot;all the way&quot; or
the like. But if it doesn't work, it doesn't work. I'll take it
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">&gt; jatlh qaH'eng. «Hung
ghochwI' botojpu' tugh 'e' tlhoj qImyal.<br><br>
I think you've consistently used a comma before quoted speech, so
period here is a little distracting.</blockquote><br>
Yup, probably a cut and paste artifact from when the attribution was
after the speech.<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">&gt; «joy'wI' pa'DajDaq vajar
loSlI' jatlhlu'», jatlh Hota'ro'.<br><br>
{joy'wI' pa'Daj} is a bit dissonant to my mind's ear, with the first<br>
noun and the {-Daj} competing for ownership of the room. {joy'meH<br>
pa'Daj} sounds better to me.</blockquote><br>
vIlaj. Hoch vIchoH, vaj DaloDqa'DI' vIchoHpu' 'e' yIqaw.<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">&gt; «'av QaSDaj matlhchu'
{QaS} is singular, right? The {lu-} prefix is inappropriate. Also,
pretty sure that this {je} should immediately follow the
cha'logh bIlugh.<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">&gt; may'DujDaq HoD pa'mey
Hubqu'lu'bej 'ej le'moH ngIq HoD.<br><br>
{pa'mey} is plural, so {Hublu'} does need a {lu-}
not DunuQqa' Qaghvetlh 'e' vIqaSmoHlaHjaj! jIQIplaw'.<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">&gt; jatlh Qoreq, «vIQorghlaH,
I balk at {Qorgh} &quot;take care of, care for&quot; with this meaning.
ought to be a better word for &quot;handle (a situation)&quot;.
{jIruchlaH} would work, or maybe something with {gheS} could fit in<br>
this context.</blockquote><br>
I hadn't considered the object to be anything like ghu'.&nbsp; I would
usually only Qorgh people, animals, crops or maybe a delicate experiment
that needs attention. I was thinking the object was vajar, Hota'ro'
ghutar je. &lt;juppu'lI' vIQorghlaH, qaH'eng&gt;.&nbsp; Does that seem
patronizing to you?&nbsp; If so I'd move towards QaH or boQ.&nbsp; If the
implied object works better as ghu' for you, then I'd prefer
- Qov<br><br>

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