tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jul 24 00:06:20 2012

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[Tlhingan-hol] Weather infinitives

De'vID ([email protected])

<br><br>SuStel:<br>&gt;&gt; I was thinking about how Okrand side-stepped the issue of the subject of SIS<br>&gt;&gt; (and peD) by simply looking up and saying, {SIS!}<br><br>ghunchu&#39;wI&#39; &#39;utlh:<br>&gt; He didn&#39;t sidestep it. He didn&#39;t state the subject when he *used* the<br>
&gt; word, but he had already indicated what it was.<br>&gt;<br>&gt; <a href="/tlhIngan-Hol/1998/May/msg00518.html";>/tlhIngan-Hol/1998/May/msg00518.html</a><br>&gt; | [reported by DloraH]<br>
&gt; | SISlu&#39;, altho grammaticlly correct, he didn&#39;t particularly like.  Someone<br>&gt; | COULD use it but to me it sounds like they skipped science class and don&#39;t<br>&gt; | know what the subject is.<br>&gt; | You can also give it an object and say things like the clouds rained down<br>
&gt; | cats and dogs. ...or something like that; you get the idea.<br><br>And don&#39;t forget Sonnet 116, where {jev} has {mud} as its subject.<br><br><br>-- <br>Sent from Gmail Mobile<br>
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