tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jan 08 15:53:19 2012

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] Monopoly - New Canon

De'vID jonpIn ([email protected])

&gt; The original sentence:<br>
&gt; {Qo&#39;noS romuluS je boSuqlaH. vabDot tera&#39; Qejbogh DIvI&#39; ram boSuqlaH.}<br>
&gt; &quot;Kronos, Romulus and even the puny Federation&#39;s precious Earth are all up for grabs.&quot;<br>
&gt; literally:<br>
&gt; {vabDot tera&#39;(&#39;e&#39;) Qejbogh DIvI&#39; ram boSuqlaH}<br>
&gt; *vabDot*, you can get the Earth which the unimportant federation *Qej*es.<br>
&gt; Or is this a noun? You can get the {vabDot tera&#39;}?</p>
<p>I think it&#39;s very likely this is an adverbial meaning &quot;even&quot;, &quot;moreover&quot;, &quot;furthermore&quot;.</p>
&gt; Talking about new words - what does Qej mean? I can&#39;t find it in my notes. </p>
<p>I noticed that {Qej} is still missing from your New Words list.  Are you going to leave it off until we know better what it means?</p>
<p>My guess is that it means &quot;values, cherishes&quot;, {tera&#39;e&#39; Qejbogh DIvI&#39;} &quot;Earth which the Federation cherishes, the Federation&#39;s precious Earth&quot;.  I think it has to be something along those lines.</p>

<p>&gt; The sentence should have a topic marker to make clear that it&#39;s the earth you can<br>
&gt; get, not the federation.</p>
<p>The ambiguity with {-bogh} is one of my favourite parts of the Klingon language.  It needs a topic marker to match the English translation, but without it it&#39;s perfectly good Klingon.  You can conquer the Federation&#39;s precious Earth, or maybe you can conquer the Federation which cherishes the Earth.</p>

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