tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Feb 15 10:02:33 2012

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[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' wa'vatlh vaghmaH vagh: <peghlaHchu' Qel>

Qov ([email protected])

The doctor was waiting for Essim to realize where he had hidden the message from her father.


peghlaHchu' Qel

pay' Daq pegh tlhoj 'eSSIm. Mahoun bejqu'. bIQDaj tlhutlhchu'ta'. jatlh, "Qel De' vInIHta'be'."

Mahoun mu'mey buSHa' 'eSSIm. vavDaj QIn legh neH 'ach leghbe' neH je. yejquv DevwI'vaD QIn ngeHchugh maghwI' nuq jatlh? DIS'a'? pum'a'? qoy''a'? ghaytanHa' QuSwI' ghaH je Qa'bar DevwI''e' 'ach DuH. tuq QaHlaHchugh De' vaj SovnIS 'eSSIm 'ej SovnIS wo'. qIchchugh vaj SovnISlu' je. QumwI' chu'laHpa' Mahoun jonlaH 'eSSIm, 'ach ghaytan HoD yInroH jIHtaH DujDaj 'ej lImDI' jol.

jatlh 'eSSIm, "DanIHta'be' 'e' vISov. Ha', jIHvaD DeSDu'lIj tIcha'." 'eSSIm qIvDu'Daq DeSDu'Daj lan Mahoun 'ej cha'neHDu'Daj 'uchchoH 'eSSIm. ralbe' ghopDu'Daj 'ach DaH QumwI' SIchlaHbe' Mahoun. leStaH Mahoun. 'uchtaH 'eSSIm 'e' Hajbe'.

jatlh Mahoun, "ghoqwI' jIHbe' 'e' Da'olmeH Daghelta' 'ach qunwIj Del Qel 'e' Datlhobmo' choDuQpu'. nuq 'oH De' 'aplo'vetlh'e' boqeltaHbogh?" 'eSSIm vav qun rar Mahoun qun 'e' Sovbe' Mahoun.

Mahoun yebDu' 'uchqu'choH 'eSSIm ghopDu' 'ach nargh Mahoun 'e' nIDbe'. jatlh 'eSSIm, "jIHvaD potlhqu' De'vetlh. 'ej SoHDaq So'lu'ta'."

"jIHDaq?" jatlh Mahoun. jIv mu'meyDaj 'ach jatlhtaHvIS qabDaj yotlI' jaqHa'moHbogh Sov.

jatlh Qugh, "maHun, qama' SoHtaHvIS DeSlIjDaq De' 'aplo' vISo'ta'. chaq ratlhtaH. vIteq vIneH." DeSDu'Daj tlhe'choH Mahoun ach narghmeH noghbe'. Mahoun DeSDu' 'uchtaHvIS 'eSSIm, 'eSSIm DeSDu' 'uchchoH Mahoun.

QelvaD jatlh Mahoun, "nuqDaq 'oH? pagh vItu'pu'."

Daq cha'meH DeSDajDaq SIq'egh Qel. jatlh, "poSwI'Daq. So'mo' Ha'DIbaHlIj Datu'laHbe'. Hotlhlu'DI' mep rurmo' DIr ngeb, tu'be' Hoqra'. SaHtaHchugh, DaH vIteqrup."

jatlh Mahoun, "Qo'. HIpe'Qo'."

Qan 'eSSIm 'e' voqchu' Mahoun. ghaHvo' DeSDu' tlhapbe' Mahoun. Mahoun Qanqang 'eSSIm. QelvaD jatlh 'eSSIm, "chaw'choHchugh qarI'."

mejchoH Qel. lojmItDaq yev 'ej jatlh, "peyep. wa'logh yelwIyyItngan qama' yatlh vIQorghpu'."

jatlh 'eSSIm, "qatlh nuyepnISmoH ngoDvetlh?"

jatlh Qel. "tlhIngan 'avwI' ghaH vav'e'." pay' Mahoun 'uchbe'choH 'eSSIm 'ej ghaHvo' vIH'egh. Hagh Qugh. jatlh "vISaHbe' 'eSSIm. peghlaHchu' Qel." mej.
SKI: They know where the data is, and for now it will remain there.
[145] Turns out that Klingon plastic surgery involves a lot of actual plastic.

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