tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 07 10:30:45 2010

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News from Maltz

Lieven Litaer ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

peqIm ghojwI'pu',

jIQuchqu', DaH QInQuvwIj chu'mo' naDev QInmey vIlablaH. tagha'.

Do'qu', DaH De' potlh vIlabqa'laH. wa'vatlhlogh vIngeHba'ta':

The ninth qepHom'a' in Saarbrücken was a big success - again. This year 
we had 25 attendees, of whom 10 were new students. We have never had so 
many people, and we have never had so many new among them. I was even 
positively surprised that they all were really perfectly prepared, 
having read TKD completely, some even writing in pIqaD.

During three days, there was a lot of Klingon talk, maybe not so long 
conversations, but many word plays, exercises, games like 'Iv jIH and 
qaDHom wa', and of course the practice of Klingon toasts at the bar.

We even had a chance to talk to Maltz. He was not present this year, but 
he agreed to visit us next year, when we celebrate our tenth anniversary.

Somone had asked about the word for "pillow" and suggested {QongDaqvaD 
meyrI' tun ghoDlu'bogh}.

Maltz first said that Klingons don't have pillows and he wondered why 
anyone would want one.  But he's seen them (somewhere) and knows what 
they are.  So when pushed -- "If you have to call it something, what 
would you call it?" -- he said {ngogh tun}.  A {ngogh} is a "block" or 
"lump" or "brick."  He said he's seen humans eating {yuch ngoghmey} and 
found that strange.  I'm not sure what form he'd prefer his {yuch} to be.

He thought more about it and said maybe another way to say "pillow" was 
{QongDaq buq} "bed pouch," but he said that could also apply to a 
sleeping bag.  Perhaps a sleeping bag is {QongDaq buq'a'} and a pillow 
is {QongDaq buqHom}.  The word {buq} could be "bag, sack, pouch" or even 
"pocket."  When clarity is needed, one could say, for example, {yopwaH 
buq} "pants pouch" or {wep buq} "coat pouch" for "pants pocket" or "coat 
pocket," but when the context is clear, {buq} alone would suffice for 

We had the opportunity to hear some other words, which I will describe 
in another mail. I hope you just enjoy these few first, and start a 
Klingon pillow fight. ;-)

PS: did you see the pun already?

   Quvar valer
   Lieven L. Litaer

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