tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Apr 17 09:08:46 2008

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Re: cha' Hol ngeb mu'ghommey Daj vItu'pu'!

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

>During my work at the University of Chicago Library, I've stumbled upon two
>interesting illustrated dictionaries of artificial/imaginary languages
>which, inter alia, discuss Klingon:
>Paolo Albani and Berlinghiero Buonarroti's _Aga magèra difùra: dizionario
>delle lingue immaginarie_.  Bologna: Zanichelli, 1994.  ("Klingon, lingua
>dei" pp. 213-214.)
>Tim Conley and Stephen Cain's _Encyclopedia of Fictional and Fantastic
>Languages_.  Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2006.  ("Klingonese" and
>the other languages of Star Trek pp. 169-173; article includes a fairly
>complete bibliography.)

> >> Is there another word after "lingua dei"?  That just means
> >> "language of the".
> >
> > Look again.  "Klingon, lingua dei" already has another word present:
> > Klingon.

lay'tel SIvten:
>True, but that's an unusual wording for a dictionary title.

But not for a 1-page article on "Klingons, language of the".  The title of 
the 478-page dictionary itself is _Aga magèra difùra: dizionario delle 
lingue immaginarie_.  The Italian for Klingons seems to be just *Klingon* 
not *gli klingoni* (or the like), at least in this book.  Within the 
article, Klingon language and people are both abbreviated "K." to save space.

I highly recommend both books; I spent a fascinating evening going through 
them.  The shorter Conley and Cain volume is better edited, though 
restricted to fictional/imaginary languages -- i.e. those used or mentioned 
in novels, movies, TV shows, etc.  The Albani and Buonarroti volume 
includes these as well as virtually all artificial/constructed/auxiliary 
languages and their offshoots (Solresol, Volapuk, Esperanto/Ido, 
Interlingua, etc., etc.), usually with brief example texts.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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